All therapy appointments begin with an assessment, the nature of which depends on the needs of the client. However, some people know that their primary issue, or their loved ones' primary issue, is an eating disorder and they want to do a deep dive into what their treatment options are. Sometimes people have been to multiple facilities and told they need a higher level of care than outpatient treatment. Other times they have been to a therapist for an assessment and were told they thought they needed an eating disorder specialist. They may have read that eating disorders are also treated with nutritionists, medications and a medical team and they aren't sure where to begin. This process of being referred around or told they need hospitalization can leave people frustrated and scared. Because treatment facilities make their living by admitting most patients, sometimes people want a second opinion on the best treatment program for them or the appropriate level of care. When this is the case, Meghan can tailor a time slot that allows for a more comprehensive and specific eating disorder assessment. This can also include a family session to discuss treatment options upon the completion of the assessment. Patients are not pressured to begin treatment with Meghan but rather are presented with options or next steps that are clinically appropriate.